Thanking the Muse


Just shy of four in the morn, gently nudged into consciousness, eyelids fused together.

Why on earth am I awake?

“I have an offering, a gift from the Universe. Don’t you want it?”

Bleary-eyed, and somewhat disappointed at being woken from slumber, I pondered the question.

Well, I am awake now, so might as well take it.

Muse Maree kindly shared the clay words for me to sculpt.

My initial annoyance flipped into expressed gratitude.

Now when Muse Maree arrives I simply say,

Thank you.


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Mumma Sue writes poetry, musings, and is working on a book about her journey to calming Fibromyalgia using nutrition and natural therapies.

She enjoys collecting books by Australian authors, writing at her favourite café, and time in her garden with her two dogs.

Mumma Sue lives on Wiradjuri country in New South Wales, savouring the peacefulness of country life.


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