Hearts’ Memory (A Poem)

Hearts’ Memory
by Sue Nolan


A memory on replay
Of a moment so sweet
Enlivened but fleeting
When two hearts did meet.

Life’s cruelness
Keeping them apart
Yet forever united
In their hearts.

Immensely beautiful
Was the embrace
Now only a memory
Left to trace.

Back to that moment
So pure and real
Nothing can stop
What they both feel.

Dreaming of a day
In paradise so near
Yearning for the time
When it will be here.

Savouring the seconds
When lips did brush
Close your eyes sweet one
Cherish the memory, now hush.


hearts memory theme with a memories sign and two interlocking hearts on pale blue background


Read more of my poems and musings HERE

Read a poem I enjoy – When You Are Old by W.B. Yeats


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