
Thanking the Muse

  Just shy of four in the morn, gently nudged into consciousness, eyelids fused together. Why on earth am I awake? “I have an offering, a gift from the Universe. Don’t you want it?” Bleary-eyed, and somewhat disappointed at being woken from slumber, I pondered the question. Well, I am …

Fortnight Lily (A Poem)

Fortnight Lily by Mumma Sue   Six white petals, Folded sides, Vessel-like, Curled at the tip. Painted golden splashes, Almost dotted, On every second one, Like a bath’s non-slip mat. On the other three, Fine short strokes, Of rusty brown, Close to the centre. Shades of purple, Soft in colour, …

I Once Loved (A Poem)

I ONCE LOVED by Sue Nolan Things I once loved, I love no more Peacefulness, I seek in every day To keep grounded and be authentically me Nights out dancing with friends and loud music Traded for quiet evenings and early to bed Sleep-ins, once a must, not anymore Early …

A Solitary Tear

A Solitary Tear  by Sue Nolan   One tear, two, Maybe three. Gliding gently, Silently. Not a howl, Not a sob, Not even a weep. Just a tear or two or three, Gliding gently, Silently. Heart so broken, Is there even a beat? Emotional daggers, Stabbing every cell. A tear …

Forever In The Middle

Forever In The Middle By Sue Nolan There’s a place, in the middle, That’s where you will find me. Not over here or over there, Just in the void in between, That’s where you will find me. T’was created from a love, Some can never feel for me, I am …

Hearts’ Memory (A Poem)

Hearts’ Memory by Sue Nolan   A memory on replay Of a moment so sweet Enlivened but fleeting When two hearts did meet. Life’s cruelness Keeping them apart Yet forever united In their hearts. Immensely beautiful Was the embrace Now only a memory Left to trace. Back to that moment …

Rooftop Dance Floor (A Poem)

Rooftop Dance Floor by Sue Nolan   Steady beats Crescendo Up tempo Crash Ting Musical notes Dancing across A rooftop dance floor   Decrescendo Soft woodwind Gentle drum Symphony of sounds Raindrops dancing across A rooftop dance floor     Read more of my poems and musings HERE Follow me …

Moonlit Whisper (A poem)

Moonlit Whisper by Sue Nolan   By the light of the full moon In the serenity of the night Crisp thin air without a breath Illuminated by sound and sight A whisper can be heard From far across the way Past houses and fences And trees that do not sway …

A Morning at Patrick’s

Morning time. Four men sit at a table under the arches of sprawling leaf covered branches, accompanied by a sole woman. Raucous roars reverberate, bouncing off the metal panelled fence. Voices rise and fall as hands makes gestures with enthusiastic vigour. Pauses of silence are occasional. Less often, a wave …

Dissolve (A Poem)

  White-Grey clouds meld, Across the vast sky. Raindrops crawl down the window pane, Seeping into the brick sill. Pastel pink and green pattern, Woven into a blanket. Soothing warmth, Drawn to the shoulders. A stack of books and latest release, Beckon attention. Steam rises from a cup, Warm meets …