
One cannot ever underestimate the value of hugs. A real warm, comfy, firm hug can say so much without any needs for words. The embrace, the holding, not wanting the hug to end are beautiful moments.

I love meaningful hugs. In my lifetime I have been hugged out of a sense of obligation at times, I believe. The hug held no warmth. It held no energy or comfort. It felt cold and hard. It was brief, very brief.

This week I have been ever so fortunate to spend some time (which is never long enough for me) with some special people. Their hugs are with me still. There was softness in them yet at the same time, a firmness that reassured I was being held by a loving person. I cannot remember who released the hug first however I do know that I didn’t want them to end. That connection with such beautiful souls affirming that you are of value to them; priceless!

Hugs with the awesome little people of my family are just heart-melting for me. A grandchild who excitedly runs to me with their arms up waiting to throw them around me floods me with emotion. I cherish those moments and hug them as long as I can. The snuggling of the little ones into my shoulder or chest and just being in my arms is perfect moments. The hugs from the bigger ones with the reassurance of holding a special place in their hearts, once again, perfect moments. The hugs from my adult sons and daughters, much fewer in numbers, are just so super perfect moments too.

I am starting to see and hear all the ‘Your 2017’ and ‘What are your hopes and dreams for 2018?’ When I reflect on my past calendar year, I remember these truly beautiful and amazing moments with gorgeous souls I do not ever get to see often enough or for long enough. What has stayed with me and sometimes the memory of uplifts me in a difficult moment is the hugs we shared; the excited ones when we first met up and the sad ones when we needed to say our farewells.

Farewell hugs are difficult for me. Even now, when I reflect on them and see the person in my minds photo album, the feelings return. Not unlike when the hugs are happening, I almost turn to mush. My eyes well up and I feel a lump in my throat I try to swallow. I do not enjoy the moment of parting and farewell. I do not ever want it to be the last hug I have with them. No matter whether they live near or far, this is the hug that gets me most; my inner big soft centre surfaces. Sometimes they see it and sometimes it is contained until we are out of line’s sight. And at times when I happen to be thinking of them, I am thrown straight back into this moment.

I have read stories about the need for little bubs to be held close and comforted to survive. I had read stories of the healing power of hugs for the frail and sick. I have read stories of a hug changing a person’s mind who was contemplating ending their life. How amazing is the simple act of hugging another human being!

So when you next hug someone, give them one of your best and most beautiful hugs. Leave the hug with them so they know without a doubt how special they are to you. Remember, never underestimate the power of a hug! x

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