How joyful I find filling up my cup to be. Putting into my days, the very things that bring me such joy, pleasure, happiness and speak straight to my soul.
For many years I spent my hours, days, weeks and so on, filling my cup up taking care of my family and helping others.
This was fulfilling and my cup was brimming with love. I did not recognise though, that there was a void. Perhaps I didn’t give it the time it deserved to note what was missing within me.
You see, I was so giving, unto others however not so giving unto myself.
This state can be maintained for a long period of time. Consequences of it shall raise their heads with certainty though.
I was no exception here. Burnout visited. So did illness and injury. They surely stopped me in my tracks.
When this occurred, I had the room and time to contemplate.
Soon I tuned into my own needs and wants, hopes and dreams. Excitement churned within and gained momentum.
As I took the first steps on the new path, I found myself on, there was some trepidation. Change has not always been a comfortable place for me.
Within a very short time, I was neck deep into discovery of knowledge, skills and a yearning to learn more and more.
Since then, over the last two to three years, I have sifted the contents of my life. The unhelpful has been screened and removed.
What is left for me now, is the pure joy. The joy of discovering and incorporating into my daily life, the things that serve me best. Or better than before.
This is such an uplifting feeling. My cup fills up each day with what speaks to my soul and nourishes it.
There are times when I am working on another project or there is a life event that occupies my time. When this occurs, I notice that I am seeking the ingredients that are not in my cup.
Even after a mere day or two, I am thirsty for that beautiful cuppa that permeates my being with joyful bliss.
I love this recipe I have found. Each day, I am filling up my cup with it and in turn, sharing it with you.
I wrote about the beginning of this journey in one of my first blog posts: Dare to Bare
Image credit by Andrian Valeanu at Pixabay