Hate; a concept I cannot fathom nor condone

By definition, hatred means the feeling of one who hates; intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility.

I have long held distaste for using the word ‘hate’ as it is so strongly negative.

The synonyms for the word hatred are as strongly emotive. Take loathing, detestation, contempt and revulsion for example.

More and more I am being told about, reading or hearing about instances of hate towards another. This I do not understand. I cannot fathom the depth of dislike someone has towards another that brings them to hate them.

If you hate a person, you hate something in him that is part of yourself. What isn’t part of ourselves doesn’t disturb us. – Hermann Hesse

In a very recent discussion with grandchildren, I spoke of how we may not like someone however we need to at least respect that they are another human being, treading their own path on this planet, just as we are. They face challenges and difficulties just as we do. We are all different and that is what makes for interesting communities and interactions with the people in them.

If you look at any random post on social media, there is likely to be nasty, cruel or even vile comments that are outwardly expressing hatred. It is not the fault of the social media providers; the fault lies with the individual who writes the comments.

I grew up in an era of “If you cannot say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all.” I wonder if this has stopped being taught down through the generations.

There seems to be no filter between some people’s thoughts and their mouths, or in the case of social media, their fingers, as they vehemently spout words at someone they most likely don’t even know personally.

Hatred is a cold fire and it gives no warmth. – Laurell K. Hamilton

That also makes me question and wonder if these people who swiftly lash out words of cruelty would say the very same words, if the person they are aimed at, were indeed standing in front of them looking them in the eye.

There is accountability and responsibility when you are verbally speaking to someone, particularly face to face. There is no anonymity that people sitting behind the screen of an electronic device have. The person’s reactions and possible retort are very real. How many people find it confronting to speak to another person they do not know or have just met? Yet, in the case of our ever-growing online presence, the risk of confrontation seems to be of no concern.

It also appears people are losing the skills of talking and interacting with one another in a face to face, physically present state. Isn’t it through this act that we learn about other people’s differences and tolerance develops?

People we have liked from the moment we met them and over time we become exposed to something about them that we may not feel comfortable with or challenges our personal beliefs. Do we disregard them based on that one thing? Or do we continue to learn more about our acquaintance, friend or colleague to gain an understanding of who they are and why this is a part of them?

I think that hate is a thing, a feeling, that can only exist where there is no understanding. – Tennessee Williams

Are people becoming disposable too in our increasingly disposable society where anything and everything is easily thrown away? People though are not objects devoid of feelings, thoughts, opinions, value, capabilities and skills that should be discarded readily.

Every human being on this planet wasn’t born with hatred in their being. It has been learned. It is our responsibility, each one of us, to ensure it does not become a part of us as we traverse our path through life.

We must act with kindness towards one another and not do or say anything that perpetuates or could perpetuate hate to any other living creature in this world. It scares me to consider what may happen, if we don’t.

No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. – Nelson Mandela

You may be interested in reading my earlier piece on Kindness

Kindness not hate

Image by skeeze from Pixabay

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