Some Days Suck; Most Are Glorious

Some days suck!

How is that for an opener?

Now I am not saying that all days are crappy. Some days and weeks and months are amazing. Yet there is no denying the fact that some days simply do suck.

I have had days like this. Yes, it is true. Not everything that happens in my world is joyous and delightful. I believe it is necessary to be my authentic self and tell it how it sometimes is. This is not for pity or sympathy. It is for openness and honesty.

I am not one for glossing up images of myself or fancy posts to gather in followers. ‘Glam’ is far from what people could view me as. What I share is real; it is about my life which is sometimes an icky mess.

As this moment my hair is messy, I haven’t made it to the shower yet and some days are simply like that. My priority is to finish writing this blog post. Pampering myself is next on the agenda. As a result of these two actions, I will be set to conquer the rest of my day.

My most recent posts were on the challenges I have been experiencing due to inadequate sleep in addition to the aching need for verbal communication. Today is about how some days suck. 

Recently I felt like I had been on a roller-coaster, merely from what life had flipped up into my days. The reality of the hours that ticked away was very different to what I had planned. It was how it was to be, simple as that.

There have been moments with tears. I have been a messy Mumma Sue with swirling thoughts, conflicting emotions, overwhelm and more.

The combination of limited hours of sleep, stress, responsibilities and my partner’s lack of communication and engagement hits me like a punch in the stomach sometimes.

The way in which I react is not always conducive to a positive outcome. It can definitely prove to be unhelpful. Why haven’t I yet honed the responses and management of my reactions?

Guilt can creep in too. As an advocate for kindness, here I am, at my most frustrated state and I am not engaging with kindness from the deepest part of my being. This is where I feel bad for not reacting differently.

It would be easy to berate myself for my less favourable reactions. What I don’t or can’t stop, at times, is feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. Neither of these actions are helpful in the least.

I need to consciously remind myself to breathe, slow down and remember that this too, is temporary. Even doing this does not always abate the challenging or difficult days.

What helps me manage is my deep yearning for my passion of writing and planning my next projects. My connection with all you beautiful souls through my blog and my followers on social media, inspire and invigorate me.

This joyous part of my life has me keen to get up in the morning and get on with my day. Whatever the hurdles, I will endure.

I am determined to continue the path I have begun. Some days that will mean I ride life’s roller-coaster and get little else accomplished.

Yet no matter what, I will pick up from where I was and power on from there.

Some days suck; most are glorious!

For more on the challenges I have faced, you can read: ‘Dark Hours’

some days suck

Image credit: Elias Sch from Pixabay


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