Chivalry alive whilst common courtesy is dying?

Chivalry Chivalry, is it still alive in modern today whilst common courtesy is slowing but surely diminishing? First, let’s define chivalry using the very succinct definition from the Collins English Dictionary; Chivalry: is polite, kind and unselfish behaviour, especially by men towards women. Of course there are variations and extensions …

Perhaps The Unusual Is Me

  Oh the bizarre, always arising Giving cause for wonderment What makes one think or do that Will it be to their own detriment   Am I the odd one, perplexed by this Finding it a strange way to be Perhaps they are not unusual And the unusual is in …

In This Moment

  In This Moment   Begin in this moment Begin where you are No need to envision the journey No need to wonder if you will go far   Begin in this moment Have faith in that first step forward Begin from the starting line And you will be shown …

Owning It

There have been many times over the years where I have seen folks make decisions and then the outcome is not what they expected. They go on an internal rampage finding all the reasons that it should have turned out the way they wanted. This then transforms into a verbal …

Lessons of Life

Today on my Mumma Sue’s View Facebook page, I have focused on the theme ‘Lessons of Life’. We are so very fortunate to have so many opportunities during our lifetime to be able to learn very valuable lessons and gain insight from our own experiences and that of others. From …

Friday on my mind…..

Oh how I miss the Friday evening social club events from years ago when I was still working full-time. They were great nights with laughs, lots of stories and interactions with people on a more personal level rather than work related and very enjoyable moments with good folks. Quite often …

Done it again….

I woke early once again this morning after only a few hours sleep. My mind decided to ‘switch on’ despite it being not even 5am yet. My body was so not impressed and less than enthusiastic or ready to be greeting the day just yet. My brain was then like …

Hitting a blank

I have wanted to write for days now as I have been missing it so very much. A special loved one asked me recently have I had any time to write. I explained how I have been drawing blanks on what to write about; ideas have just not been popping …

The News

Recently during a conversation I was talking about how I do not have the television on much at all; only turning it on just before 7.30pm and am happy most nights for it to go off by 8.30-9.00pm. With a look of horror almost I was asked ‘how do you …

Change of View

The days roll along, we are wrapped around by many a task or ten like a blanket on a cold day, challenges are hurled at us and wham, out of seemingly nowhere comes a mammoth day that finds us digging deep within to extract some semblance of resilience to try …