Calling for Kindness

Kindness – the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate There is a saying – “If you can be anything, be kind.” It is a good way to aspire to lead your life; from a place of kindness. In recent days and weeks, I have witnessed the opposite. The behaviours …

Hate; a concept I cannot fathom nor condone

By definition, hatred means the feeling of one who hates; intense dislike or extreme aversion or hostility. I have long held distaste for using the word ‘hate’ as it is so strongly negative. The synonyms for the word hatred are as strongly emotive. Take loathing, detestation, contempt and revulsion for …

Being an empath – it is who I am and I know no other way to be

Challenges of being an empath like me It is quite a challenge when you are an empath to have close relationships with those who are non-empaths. They may be a manager, a colleague, a partner, a relative or a friend. You possess the very strong ability to be empathetic with …

In An Ideal Life

An ideal life would see family connections stronger than anything life throws their way An ideal life would see loved ones value one another over anything else An ideal life would see more listening to understand rather than listening merely to hear An ideal life would see Sunday roast dinners …

Stay Safe!

In some ways it is hard to believe it is a week since I have been able to write anything for my blog. I reflect on that day I last wrote as a very happily productive one that involved creativity and tasks ticked off my to-do list. Then life happened …

Colour my world

Tomorrow marks week seven of my knee injury and the time that I pretty much have spent at home. I haven’t been able to drive although I did try a couple of weeks ago and my knee regressed. Anytime out of the house and yard has been on weekends when …

Life happens

No matter what plans you have and even if you have invested great effort in their preparation, there is a good chance something may not go according to plan. Why would I think like this? Why would I be saying this? Surely people who make great travel plans or plans …