Thanking the Muse

  Just shy of four in the morn, gently nudged into consciousness, eyelids fused together. Why on earth am I awake? “I have an offering, a gift from the Universe. Don’t you want it?” Bleary-eyed, and somewhat disappointed at being woken from slumber, I pondered the question. Well, I am …

A Morning at Patrick’s

Morning time. Four men sit at a table under the arches of sprawling leaf covered branches, accompanied by a sole woman. Raucous roars reverberate, bouncing off the metal panelled fence. Voices rise and fall as hands makes gestures with enthusiastic vigour. Pauses of silence are occasional. Less often, a wave …

My Happy Self

What is My Happy Self? My Happy Self, to me, is defined by being in a state of feeling the most purest joy within my heart and soul. Happiness as we know, is not a constant state of being. It fluctuates, disappears, comes in waves, and varies in intensity. When …

Writing when distractions and reasoning are in battle

Distractions – First level Distractions pop their little heads up constantly, all vying for attention. My attention. Each one wants to draw me further away from my writing. “If you tend to me” says one as another swiftly interrupts, shouting “You will feel much better if you spend time with …