A Ways To Go

The last few months have certainly been an eye opener for me. I had my resilience tested and learned more of how to be resilient yet also discovered that it requires even further strengthening. I have learned that my tolerances are far greater in some areas and not so strong …

Change of View

The days roll along, we are wrapped around by many a task or ten like a blanket on a cold day, challenges are hurled at us and wham, out of seemingly nowhere comes a mammoth day that finds us digging deep within to extract some semblance of resilience to try …

Stay Safe!

In some ways it is hard to believe it is a week since I have been able to write anything for my blog. I reflect on that day I last wrote as a very happily productive one that involved creativity and tasks ticked off my to-do list. Then life happened …


Over the last few days I have felt somewhat restless. Be it the full moon shaking things up a bit or be it the new year doing the same, whatever it is, I have felt restless in a few areas of my life. I have also questioned myself on different …

Time Out

In the lead up to Christmas I was dealing with some pretty stressful matters not related to Christmas. It took its toll on me and it was beneficial to ease back on the throttle a fair bit over recent days. Hence why I have not been writing or sharing very …

Colour my world

Tomorrow marks week seven of my knee injury and the time that I pretty much have spent at home. I haven’t been able to drive although I did try a couple of weeks ago and my knee regressed. Anytime out of the house and yard has been on weekends when …

This time of year

I see the buzz in our street of houses being decorated with Christmas lights and decorations and children running around gleefully in their front yards of an evening, totally swept up in the excitement. It is a time when people go outside and mingle with their neighbours and those passing …

That Tricky Person

Have you ever been in a situation where you are dealing with a tricky person on an ongoing basis? The person who you have a close relationship with, like your boss, a relative or a friend and no matter how much you participate in the relationship, it just doesn’t work. …


Resilience is said to be the ability to and process of adapting to one’s circumstances and bounce back from the adversity, trauma, tragedy or stresses. With this said, it would seem that we are almost always in a state of resilience. Most commonly would be the everyday stresses we deal …