Full Moon Crazy

Becoming more weary by the hour, I was more than ready to sink into my cloud-soft bed with its beautifully supple sheets and warm covers. Six hours sleep each night hadn’t cut it. Despite the long awakened hours of previous days and short nights, I had coped reasonably well. This …

Dark Hours

I have had some dark hours in recent weeks. Before I continue, I am not sharing this in the vein of ‘woe is me’; rather as honesty, being true to myself and open about a part of me that I do not usually reveal. Certainly over my lifetime there have …

Done it again….

I woke early once again this morning after only a few hours sleep. My mind decided to ‘switch on’ despite it being not even 5am yet. My body was so not impressed and less than enthusiastic or ready to be greeting the day just yet. My brain was then like …


Of late I have felt like I have been bobbing around in the ocean, getting tossed about and slammed by the waves causing them to wreak havoc on my body, tiring it out and testing my strength to keep my head above water. My legs have been working hard to …

Change of View

The days roll along, we are wrapped around by many a task or ten like a blanket on a cold day, challenges are hurled at us and wham, out of seemingly nowhere comes a mammoth day that finds us digging deep within to extract some semblance of resilience to try …

Time Out

In the lead up to Christmas I was dealing with some pretty stressful matters not related to Christmas. It took its toll on me and it was beneficial to ease back on the throttle a fair bit over recent days. Hence why I have not been writing or sharing very …


I think my mojo blew away with lasts night’s winds; that’s how I am feeling today anyway. My mind begins its song battle with my body. There are many things I would like to achieve today my thoughts chorus and ideas crescendo in my mind. My body then sings a …